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Agri-Fab Rollers

Buy Agri-Fab tow push garden rollers

Why use a Roller?
Agri-Fab rollers are ideal whether you're looking to bed-in freshly laid turf, level-out mole hills, flatten frost-heaves or pack down newly sown seed.

They can also be used on mowed grass where they can help you achieve the traditional striped lawn effect.

Agri-Fab 45-0604 Towed 48inch Roller

£309.00  (inc. Vat at 20%)

Agri-Fab 45-0606 Towed 36inch Roller

£279.00  (inc. Vat at 20%)

Agri-Fab 45-0267 24in Push or Towed Roller

£199.00  (inc. Vat at 20%)

Agri-Fab 45-0268 Towed 36inch Roller

£269.00  (inc. Vat at 20%)

Agri-Fab 45-0216 Towed 48inch Steel Roller

£559.00  (inc. Vat at 20%)