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Ego Power + Mullti Tool Attachements

Ego Power+ Cordless Multitool Accessories

Ego Power+ Cordless Multitool Accessories

With a single power unit and many different attachments, the EGO Power+ award winning multi-tool is ready for any job. Plus, simple, tool-free coupling makes switching attachments quick and easy.

Ego RTA2300 Multi-Tool Rotocut Attachment

£219.00  (inc. Vat at 20%)

Ego HTA2000S Multi-Tool Hedge Trimmer Attachment (Short)

£179.00  (inc. Vat at 20%)

Ego Power+ CTA9500 Cultivator Attachment for Multi Tool

£179.00  (inc. Vat at 20%)

Ego EP7501 Multi-Tool Extension Pole

£94.00  (inc. Vat at 20%)

Ego PSA1000 Multi-Tool Pole Saw Attachment

£135.00  (inc. Vat at 20%)

Ego HTA2000 Multi-Tool Hedge Trimmer Attachment

£199.00  (inc. Vat at 20%)

Ego EA0800 Multi-Tool Edger Attachment

£119.00  (inc. Vat at 20%)

Ego BCA1200 Multi-Tool Brush Cutter Attachment ONLY

£95.00  (inc. Vat at 20%)

Ego STA1500 Multi-Tool Line Trimmer Attachment

£94.00  (inc. Vat at 20%)